I published my first poetry book, “A Madman’s Musings”—as someone who adores alliteration and is known to be a little crazy, the title couldn’t be more fitting 😅
The past is a slaughterhouse. Time’s the indifferent butcher. And the beauty is in seeing the tender, and even reverent ways humans interact with this. There is this deep human desire to preserve and honor the dead. A photograph. A souvenir. A painting. Taxidermy. Journaling. Tattoos. Holidays. Memory quilts. We have beautiful ways of carefully picking up the remains. I choose poetry.
It’s a cathartic release of musings that seem ineffable in simple prose.
It’s a revealing act—the art of ‘unconcealing’, as Heidegger beautifully puts it. To deeply understand existence itself.
It’s a tribute to linguistic beauty, demonstrating the power of a few well-chosen words. It’s not just about the meaning conveyed, but also the form it takes—its choreographed dances of syntax and structure, which I find endlessly fascinating.
It’s a meditative appreciation for phonetics, the rhythm and sound of language that adds another layer of depth.
It’s to enable a deep understanding of the world and oneself—a medium like no other that achieves both introspection and outward exploration.
—It’s like nurturing a child. It starts as something deeply intimate and personal, but as it takes shape, line by line, it morphs into something else entirely. By the poem’s completion, it’s as if an umbilical cord has been cut, allowing the creation to exist—and persist—without its creator. This act of creation, yielding something that transcends one’s existence, is profoundly beautiful to me.
Poetry is beauty.
This collection spans from mid-2021 to mid-2023, comprising 156 musings. It’s existential, reflective, and a bit like listening to a madman trying to figure out the world. Here’s a teaser below:
Congratulations Madhu!
Beautiful piece.
The attention to rhythm, punctuation & placement in every poem linked here is outstanding ... truly well choreographed dances of syntax and structure